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Public Benefits Access
The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights in partnership with the Illinois Department of Human Services and Immigrant Serving Organizations are working together to support immigrant access to public benefits. Through this partnership, we are working with three programs: Immigrant Family Resources, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and Women, Infants, and Children. To learn more about each program, click the links below.
IFRP is to ensure that low-income immigrant families and other limited-English speaking persons can thrive by reducing barriers when seeking public benefits (nutritional, medical, housing, psychological, childcare, employment), as well as the cash support they need for proper health, well-being, and economic self-sufficiency.
Through a network of 20 ethnic community-based organizations operating in 59 different languages across Illinois, communities are provided equal access to supplemental nutrition benefits.
WIC outreach and information through partner organizations to community members to access quality nutrition services for all eligible mothers and young Children

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