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Welcoming Illinois

ICIRR State Legislative Agenda Spring 2019


March 7, 2019


ICIRR is engaged in a multi-year proactive campaign that pushes the state government to proactively defend and protect immigrant communities in Illinois. Our 2019 legislative agenda outlines the steps we are taking to achieve this goal this year.



February 5, 2019


The VOICES Act, which took effect on January 1, 2019, helps immigrants who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking, and other crimes... Continue

Illinois TRUST Act


February 5, 2019


The Illinois TRUST Act sets reasonable, constitutional limits on local police interaction with ICE enforcement, and fosters trust between local police and immigrant communities… Continue

Unequal Protection: Disparate Treatment of Immigrant Victims in Cook, the Collar Counties, and Beyond - 2017 Update


October 17, 2017


Read the full report here. Based on the findings of this report, ICIRR and its partners in the Campaign For A Welcoming Illinois have begun advocating for SB 32, the VOICES Act. Read the fact sheet for the VOICES Act here. REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Under the Victims of Trafficking and Violence… Continue

Foreign-Educated Engineers: Barriers to Employment and Professional Licensing in Illinois


October 27, 2014


Report Finds Significant Employment Barriers for Immigrant Engineers in Illinois Talent that could help rebuild Illinois now going to waste At least 20% of foreign-educated engineers in Illinois are not using their professional training to its fullest potential, according to this report… Continue

Barriers to Licensure and Workplace Integration for Internationally Educated Nurses In Illinois


September 11, 2014

New Report Details Obstacles for Foreign-Trained Nurses in Illinois Licensing rules, language, costs are major barriers Complex licensing requirements and lack of language-appropriate information are two of the major barriers prevent internationally educated nurses (IENs) from practicing their… Continue

ICIRR is dedicated to promoting the rights of immigrants and refugees to full and equal participation in the civic, cultural, social, and political life of our diverse society.
©2023 Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
228 S. Wabash, Suite 800
Chicago, Illinois 60604
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