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NADP Fellowship Application

Do you have full-time use of a car from July to November 2018?

Why are you interested in being part of the New Americans Democracy Project? What compels you to apply to this Fellowship? 

Describe your understanding of social justice and equity. What impact have they had on your life thus far? How do you see these concepts relating to electoral and political organizing? 

What other social justice work have you have been involved in, whether in a volunteer or paid position (on-campus or off)?

What is the most pressing issue immigrant communities are facing at the moment? How do we solve it?

Can you carry a conversation in a language other than English? Which one(s), and how well? 

Do you have experience with any of the following:

Door Knocking / Canvassing
Phone Banking
Voter Registration
Volunteer Recruitment
Community Organizing
Public Speaking
Event Planning
Participation in a rally, protest, forum

How familiar are you with using the following technologies?

Google Docs
Voter Activation Network (VAN)

How would you rank your skill and comfort level in having face to face or over the phone conversations with community members you are meeting for the first time? 

How did you hear about the NADP Fellowship?

You have to make a playlist for a friend's party. What song HAS to make it on the list?

Attach your resume:

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ICIRR is dedicated to promoting the rights of immigrants and refugees to full and equal participation in the civic, cultural, social, and political life of our diverse society.
©2023 Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
228 S. Wabash, Suite 800
Chicago, Illinois 60604
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