Census 2020

CENSUS 2020 UPDATE, October 16, 2020:
The 2020 Census count is finally over. For the last eleven months, ICIRR and our 75 partners have been working to get out the count in Illinois in order to secure resources and representation for immigrant communities across the state. Over the course of the campaign, and amidst a global pandemic, we assisted over 29,000 households with completing their Census. This is huge for our communities and for our state.
We want to thank ALL of our community partners who trained over 2,100 trusted messengers in order to make over 500,000 calls, knock on over 75,000 doors, and host over 770 events.
The future of our representation, however, remains in question. The Trump administration is continuing its efforts to exclude undocumented immigrants from upcoming reapportionment, and the Supreme Court will hear a case this Fall that could decide the future of how our communities are counted in Congress. You can follow the ongoing litigation here.
The Census campaign showed the incredible power that has built in our communities. For the last seven months our call to action has been to complete your Census. You still have until 5am on Friday morning to do so. But our call now goes beyond that: it’s time to vote, and to make sure that elected officials in Washington DC make sure our communities are fully counted and continue to be represented in its halls.
Immigrant families are part of the fabric of Illinois - and our communities are growing every day in all corners of the state. But our families are often excluded from policy-making, and our communities are often under-resourced. That’s why we’re leaders in ensuring a complete count of immigrant communities in the 2020 Census. Along with our 75 community-based partners in Chicago, suburban Cook County, and the collar counties we'll be making sure the immigrant community is completely counted.

What is the Census?
The Census is a once-per-decade count of EVERY PERSON in the United States. Census data informs the distribution of federal resources to states, and apportionment of seats in Congress. The Census counts every person in the country regardless of citizenship status.

What's at stake for immigrants in Illinois?
The Census is a unique opportunity for the immigrant community to show its growth and power. We have only ONE opportunity to get this right, and a complete count of immigrants (historically a "hard-to-count" population) will ensure more equitable distribution of funding for schools, roads, and healthcare, as well as Congressional seats for an entire decade.

About ICIRR's Census campaign
ICIRR has been selected by the Illinois Department of Human Services as a Regional Intermediary. In our role as a Regional Intermediary, ICIRR has sub-granted to 75 organizations doing direct outreach within "hard-to-count" immigrant communities in the city of Chicago, suburban Cook County, and Collar Counties (Lake, McHenry, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Will, Grundy, and Kankakee counties).

Meet some of our 75 Census outreach partners across Chicago, the suburbs, and collar counties

For Census media inquiries contact Brandon Lee: blee_census@icirr.org or 773-259-5288 (call/text)
Census 2020 partners
Census Counts (Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights)