Trump Administration Continues Its War on Immigrant Families and Refugees
Trump Administration Continues Its War on Immigrant Families and Refugees
CHICAGO (May 16, 2019)--The following is the statement from Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights regarding the immigration proposal issued by the White House today:
We continue to fight for progressive solutions that are inclusive and humane for immigrants and refugees. As we keep trying to build an America that lives up to its values of freedom, the White House proposes yet another attack on immigrant families and on those seeking safety and refuge in this country.
The administration’s track record is unacceptable--from cutting refugee resettlement numbers to caging children at the border, from rescinding DACA and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to proposing “public charge” rules that aims to prevent immigrant families from seeking basic health and other support. This proposal turns its back on immigrants and refugees who will contribute to our country, enrich our economy, and strengthen our communities.
This is why our communities showed up to the polls in record numbers in 2018 and elected the most progressive House of Representatives in history. Our communities will do the same and more in 2020 and any candidate who wants their support has to earn it by denouncing hate and putting forth real, workable solutions.